What’s Beef? Supercharged Self Discovery
And like? Yeahhhhh, I really feel that, more than I was comfortable admitting at first.
Personal Branding: Year 10 + ‘Special Characters’
Can’t go into the next 10 not presenting my latest and greatest right?
JNAYPENN.COM – Creative + Art Direction
Hello — I’m J’Nay Penn, a deeply curious creative focused on art and creative direction.
I Quit (Again)
If you’re exhausted by me, please know you’re no more tired than I am of starting over and reinventing myself as often as I’ve felt compelled to.
Blooming: A Full Circle Moment
I’ve never been more proud of my willingness to do the unconventional thing or excited to get things wrong on this new journey.
ISO: Somewhere for my Dreams to Bloom
And I’ve got to say, I feel so free. I feel a resolve about my decision that I’ve never experienced while staring down uncertainty.
Job Update: You Are Who You Say You Are
Promoted—I am who I said I was yesterday and today the rest of my orbit is simply catching up.