13 Facts About My Interlocks
It’s the 13th, so I’m updating my progress gallery as promised. I also decided to share a list of facts about my interlocks which was prompted by me finally taking the time to count each and every one of them. Obviously, I knew my chosen loc type would produce a lot of locs, but it’s still crazy to sit and think of just how many I would have to maintain if I ever decided on self-reties. So let’s get to it, these are 13 facts about my locs since they got established 3 months ago…
It took exactly 21 hours to establish my interlocks over the span of 3 days. 🥴
I am my loctician’s 5th interlocks establishment compared to 30+ for sisterlocks.
I established my locs with 8-9 inches of mostly relaxed hair with less than a half inch of new growth/natural hair.
My locs are currently interlocked with a 4-point rotation.
We watched Season 3 and 4 of Shameless during my establishment sessions. Regarding that family, let’s just say…HOT. ASS. MESS. 😫😂
I currently get my hair retied every 5-6 weeks.
I purposely made sure one of my establishment days fell on March 13th in honor of my grandmother’s passing in 2018. 🕊
My loctician is an R-Certified sisterlock consultant, meaning she is not only certified to establish sisterlocks, she’s also qualified to teach maintenance/retightening classes to her clients.
I wash my hair every 3-4 weeks with a clarifying shampoo and no conditioners. 🤯
All of my retie’s so far have taken less than 3 hours to complete. 🙌🏼
My retie’s cost $100. That covers the balance due and the deposit for my next service. 💰
My interlocks establishment cost less than $1000 but more than $600. Hell of an investment but so worth it for me personally.
After three separate counts, I officially have 291 locs. It’s going to be fun to see if this number is the same a year from now and beyond as people often combine or create new locs over time.
Selects from my 3 month loc update. See more via 13th.